Friday, April 04, 2008

The Junk Food Alternative

Along one of the main arteries in Santiago Leonardo opened a shop about three years ago. He owned the building so its overhead was low. So he took aim at what he thought was a problem in Chile: too much junk food.

Soy mayonnaise, peanuts with salt, with garlic, hot pepper, even healthy dog food for the family pet. Everyday you can find him manning his post, watching the street, speaking to the occasional visitor, trying to bring a bit more health to the Chilean diet.


Mamacita Chilena said...

Dude he's way ahead of his time. I'm glad someone's finally thought to open a health store rather than another little botelleria or completos stand!

niloc said...

So looing back at this post now more than two years later...the owner has converted his little healthy stand into a vender of "pollo asado" and french fries. I guess the customer is always right...