Friday, March 04, 2005

Back to Santiago....

Returned to the bustle of the city. When I arrived the bus terminal was packed, everyone was returning from their vacations. Last Sunday the news reported around 200,000 people returned to the city! I took the metro home and found myself walking down Vicuña Mackenna, the roar of the micros and the bustle of the street was a bit overwhelming. It has been a while since I've been in a city.

Returning to Santiago was like coming home. I got in touch with some friends, met new people living in my apartment. Louisa, from Brazil, a strong willed 25 year old girl who goes out every single night of the week. She is a Brazilian so is full of energy and sass. Much different from the German, Jans, who was living their before I left. Also a guy named Mickey, from Japan. We have quite a blend of personalities in the house right now.

I am waiting on classes at my school, right now there is nothing. I think March will be very slow as everyone is still adjusting to regular life after the holiday season. It is very hot in Santiago right now, last week it hit around 37 C, who knows what that is in F, but it is incredibly hot. All the cement heats up and around 5 pm it is almost unbearable.

I am also looking for some other things to do with my time, maybe volunteer somewhere or something like that, but don't know as of yet. Photos of my trip soon to come...

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