Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Gotta work in the mornin....every mornin

Yes that´s right, I now work every morning, at 8:30 am. I figure that at some point I will finally be used to getting up at this hour but until this day, I continue to down the Nescafè. It would be much nicer if I didn´t have to work until around 9:15 pm. I mean sure, I have some free time during the day but if it is less then a couple hours then I end up spending that time sitting on a park bench reading the newspaper.

In other news, Pinochet was stripped of his immunity by a Chilean court today, I heard this before, so I don´t know exactly what the difference between the two deceisions are. His name is a no-no, expecially in my spanish classes, it is one of the things that they warn you not to talk about. Pinochet was supposed to go in front of a court a week or two ago, but "fainted" the day before. I don´t know if I buy that one.

Chilean courts are also going through a dramatic change at this point as well. For the first time in recent history all trials will involve oral proceedings, instead of only written ones which was the system until now. This system had a test run in Conception, but now as of July 1st has came to Santiago. It already is having effects on soceity. A Chilean Senator, and accused pedofile, ended up confessing to his crimes because he didn´t want to face the oral proceedings. He then quickly denied that it happened the next day, but really, is pedofilia something you just admit to because you don´t want to go to court?


Anonymous said...

Ah Colin, so now you know the secret of being an adult. Showing up for work. So keep having fun while you can and think about what kind of work you want to show up for...for a while.

Anonymous said...

Ah Colin, so now you know the secret of being an adult. Showing up for work. So keep having fun while you can and think about what kind of work you want to show up for...for a while.